As Doctors of Physical Therapy we integrate the latest advancements in performance physical therapy during your care.


Functional training focuses on improving everyday movements and overall mobility, emphasizing exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and enhance balance and coordination. Longevity-based training takes this approach further, promoting sustainable health and well-being through mindful movement, holistic practices, and personalized exercise routines tailored to support optimal physical and mental vitality throughout life.


Dry needling is a technique we use to alleviate muscle pain and improve function. By inserting thin needles into specific trigger points within muscles, dry needling helps release tension, reduce pain, and promote healing by stimulating the body’s natural healing response. This technique is particularly helpful for relieving chronic muscle tightness, reducing inflammation, and restoring mobility, making it a valuable adjunct to comprehensive physical therapy programs and pain management strategies.


Stretching, developing mobility, and optimizing wellness- all of these are vital yet often overlooked.

our process

how itworks

At our practice, we follow a systematic approach to ensure that each client receives personalized care and achieves optimal outcomes. Here’s how it works:

initial consultation & assessment

During the consultation and assessment, we take the time to get to know you and understand your unique needs and goals. We’ll discuss your medical history, current symptoms, and any concerns you may have. This step allows us to create a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to you. During this consultation we conduct an assessment to evaluate your overall physical condition. This assessment helps us identify any areas of concern and develop a targeted approach to address them effectively.

personalized treatment plan

Based on the information gathered during the initial consultation and comprehensive assessment, we create a personalized treatment plan designed to help you achieve your goals. This plan may include a combination of manual therapy, exercise prescription, modalities, and education to optimize your recovery and improve your overall well-being.

support & monitoring

Throughout your treatment journey, we provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure you stay on track toward reaching your goals. We regularly monitor your progress, adjust your treatment plan as needed, and empower you with the knowledge and tools to manage your condition independently. Our goal is to help you regain function, alleviate pain, and improve your quality of life.

Meet Our team


Aaron Knott